Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Diffusion Theory

 The first telegraph was made in 1837 by Samuel Morse, later in 1838 "Morse Code" was invented in 1838 with the help of his partner Alfred Vail. Making this changed the way people communicated, it was faster than all forms of communication at that time and helped companies make more revenue. 

Early adopters, According to History.com. Being the first long-distance device-only companies like the railroads, military forces like the navy and marines used the telegraph to communicate with each other. It was easily available for companies, as long as they got it from Samuel morse and later from a man named Marconi. The problem for people was that you had to learn morse code, and have a specific license and system to use the telegraph. According to Brittanica "Although railroad traffic control was one of the earliest applications of the telegraph, it immediately became a vital tool for the transmission of news around the country. In 1848 the Associated Press was formed in the United States to pool telegraph expenses, and in 1849 Paul Julius Reuters in Paris initiated telegraphic press service (using pigeons to cover sections where lines were incomplete). By 1851 more than 50 telegraph companies were in operation in the United States. 

Only late adopters were civilians themselves. People didn't get telegraphs until it was developed where you can use English to talk to people other than morse code. by then everything else developed as well. soon radios and telephones were invented and from there, more forms of communication were made.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

We can hear you

Why haven't heard about a website that talks about anti-war, maybe because in this state of the world, the U.S. is doing everything sneaky and illegal to get proper resources for our economy. Not to mention instead of being impartial in conflicts between allies we choose one side and instigate and join the argument. In conclusion, I believe the U.S. doesn't want the big and important voices to talk about the problems and what's wrong with the U.S. 

The question is why? Why do we hide different aspects of point of view when we believe it contradicts us or even proves us wrong. Take this, for example, this isn't just a website, they have videos and actually have marketed and produced news pieces about certain situations, and yet, even these big names haven't really been heard. Here's my best understanding of why 

It also comes down to the algorithm that's been set with you ever since you touched social media. One of the main purposes of social media is to hunt for and exchange various ideas and information that we find useful or informative. Social Media plays both sides when it comes to seeing” truths”. When using social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok. However, social media businesses' main task is to figure out how to keep users like us on their platforms. It's so clever yet simple how they do it. Then use basic AI to monitor your speech, actions, and reactions to certain stimuli as well as your likes and dislikes, and they create algorithms that are exclusive of interest to you. When you log onto these same social media platforms, you only find similar truths and opinions that you have, which isn't necessarily bad because you get to learn more, but it does mean that our truth doesn't change and our knowledge doesn't expand. They have the power to tell you what's important to you and what's not, which I believe plays apart on we haven't seen this production pieces or articles on this important topic.

Each One Teach One Reacts


Hands free communications. Blue tooth in paste makers, refrigerator, fit bands. , can track heart rate 


Available in over 190 Countries and a net worth of 84.57 billion

Cloud computing-

Started in the 50’s. Google and IBM offered cloud storage  2 uses for cloud.Deployment model and the Service Model 

The History of Texting-

Invented in 1971. 65% of communication comes from e-mail.Billions of people use e-mail 

Search Engines-

Web crawler- one of the first search engine.Search engine optimization . Back links instead of key words

Ad words. Digital Amnesia/Google Effect


From 1880. Originated in Japan before becoming an American technology . In 2015 6 billions emojis

Internet and the World Wide Web-

Started in the 60’s for government to share information .1969 was the first internet message.WWW was created in 1989. 54% of the population used the internet in 2001. Used to get in touch with pretty much anybody


Postal service-

Buffalo bill is a carrier for postal service. It used to Take 10 days for mail to be sent. By 1918 decided to do air mail

Operated a lot during the pandemic .Postal services can deliver from medications to Pets.Can be a mail man with a high school degree 


2003 “Face mash” was created . Rebranded as Facebook In 2005. Originally used as communication for colleges


Launched in 2006. Founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Noah z glass and Evan Williams . Emerged from a failed start up called Odeo. 71% of Americans use twitter to read news230 millions viewers use twitter 

Invention of the paper-

First paper was constructed in Pennsylvania .1700s paper was used for printing books,bibles and legal papers

Paper helped with trading .Now used for drawing, mapping and writing down important information 


Newspapers appeared more overtime as the price of paper dropped.Online has overtaken the traditional way of newspapers .They have declined due to internet and technology. Companies like Daily Mail and NYT are only a few of newspapers that are still out

Each One Teach One

According to TheHouse.gov “Samuel Morse, an inventor, created the telegraph system. Each dot and dash combination in Morse's scheme, known as "Morse code," stood for a different letter of the alphabet. The "American Recording Electro-Magnetic Telegraph" was the name of the invention's patent submission, which was made in 1837. He gave the first public demonstration of his machine to Congress in 1838 in order to request a congressional appropriation to pay for its expansion. Even though the new technology was impressively demonstrated, Morse did not get the funding he requested until 1843. On May 24th, 1844 Samuel Morse wrote the first message “What hath God Wrought? Over an experimental line from Washington D.C, to Baltimore. 

 Ancient civilizations such as those in China, Egypt, and Greece employed drum beats, signal fires, or smoke signals to send information between far sites until the invention of the electric telegraph in the 19th century altered how information was transmitted over vast distances.However, such methods were limited by the weather and the need for an uninterrupted line of sight between receptor points. 

 According to History.com The electric telegraph revolutionized how newspapers operated, how money was sent, and how battles were waged. Pieces of news could be sent between telegraph stations nearly quickly, opposed to writing letters and looking at newspapers. Although the telephone, fax machine, and Internet have since become the more practical option, the telegraph set the stage for the communications revolution that gave rise to those future inventions. The telegraph also facilitated the growth in the railroads, consolidated financial and commodity markets, and reduced information costs within and between firms. 

 According to science.org the telegraph had negative effects for example, From Baltimore to Washington, the first long telegraph wire ran. Depending on the length of the message and the operator's expertise, sending a message by telegraph could take a minute or several minutes. The telegraph transmission process required more time than current electronic communication techniques since each letter had to be converted to Morse Code and manually keyed.

 Another negative effect was message length and access. Telegraphs could only be used for extremely brief and concise messages because the length of a message needs to be relatively small due to the conversion time of a message. Another issue was getting access to telegraphs. Certain areas had them, but others didn't. Telegraphs were rarely utilized outside of government, business, and other major institutions, in contrast to today's widespread telephones.

 Final reason is poor quality communication. The telephone, created by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 and allowing direct voice connection, quickly replaced telegraphy as the preferred method of communication. Telegraphy was relegated to specialized purposes due to the major communication quality issues associated with telegraph devices. Telegraph messages lacked the complexity and natural speech, but telephone conversations do. In contrast to the telegraph, modern communication systems enable the digital transfer of documents, video, and audio. Other technologies, like the fax machine, also enable physical documents to be reorganized on the receiving end.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

My opinion on the Value of Freedom "Marketplace of Ideas"

I hold it in neutral ground when it comes to he value of freedoms. I like the idea because it gives people an act to share their truth to the world despite where people come from and whether people like it or not, they have the opportunity to present. The goal of the whole thing is for no voice should be unheard and all opinions and beliefs are voiced. 

My issue isn’t with the value itself but how our society has bent what we call our “truths”. It’s way harder these days to find credible sources about anything and it’s because people will put just about anything out there for attention or just to scramble people’s minds. Also people won’t want to hear other peoples “truths” especially if it doesn’t agree with their own. Take the internet for example, there are a lot of sources out there that aren’t trusted or reliable, like wikipedia, everyone knows you can only use wikipedia to a certain extent and it’s because people can easily alter words in articles no matter what it is. 

Social Media plays both sides when it comes to seeing”truths”. When using social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok. We use these platforms to look and share different opinions and information that we find relevant or informative, which is one of the main points of social media, But the main job for social media companies is to find out ways to keep viewers like us on their app. The way they do that is simple yet genius. They have simple AI’s to track what you say, what you look at, how you reply to specific things, what you like, what you dislike and they make algorithms that only interest you, Our truth doesn’t change and our knowledge doesn’t broaden, instead when you log onto these same social medias, you only find similar truths and opinions that you have which isn’t necessarily bad because you get to see mindsets like yours which can cause friendships, But By doing that we’re drowning outside opinions that might be helpful for us. Basically they tell you what you want to hear only instead of telling you also what you need to hear, and it’s only for their benefit because as long as you're happy with it they get revenue.

Another issue on how this freedom is abused especially in this time period, is hate speech. Nbc News made an article about how a rapper named
“Boosie” saying hateful words to lil nas x” . If you don’t know Lil Nas x he is basically a popular gay artist who likes to troll people on social media. It started with Lil Nas x posting a tweet trolling saying how he and Boosie were getting together for music, Boosie as a ant-gay rapper tweeted back saying ““STOP TROLLING ME F----- LOL!!," the tweet said, in part. "IF YOU #commitsuicide YOU WOULD DO THIS WORLD A HUGE FAVOR NOBODY WANTS U HERE." This alone started a conflict upon social media explaining if this was wrong or not, majority of people didn’t care due to the hate of gay people in this generation and used “Freedom of speech” as an excuse. Thankfully twitter took down the post as it was posed as “Hate speech” but you see that there are many problems like this that don’t get taken down or punished due to people throwing the “Freedom of Speech” excuse. In Conclusion I agree with the idea of the value of marketplace of ideas, but in this time of age our society has used it to manipulate truths for their own benefit.

Supreme Court Overview

  I don't remember about the Supreme Court especially learning it in high school, so everything really was new to me. Learning about John Marshall and how he was known for defending and making both the beginning of the judicial powers the principles of our system of government. John Marshal also played a huge role in the Marbury V. Madison where he establish the unanimous opinion about power of federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional.

    The main thing I took of agreement is how many cases are actually handled in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has about 7,000 cases a year to go through, people actually have to go through, although with help justices individually have to make decisions about the cases. As a citizen I wouldn't be able to keep that sort of attention span with that many cases.


  Most surprising thing I learned in the video was about the 19th Amendment. Although the amendment states the phrase "We the people" it was only a small circle of people that the amendment abided by. Woman couldn't vote, people were still held in bondage, Native Americans were not treated as citizens or were treated equal.

It doesn't change my interest about the Supreme Court, usually if it's political I try to strive away from it. One thing I can say about it is that I can see how much is actually put in when it comes to cases and laws. How they are trying to make things equal whether it's trying to fix past laws or make new ones, they have more of my respect.

FInal Post

  According to homecern  "The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is a system of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperl...