Thursday, November 17, 2022

Each One Teach One Reacts


Hands free communications. Blue tooth in paste makers, refrigerator, fit bands. , can track heart rate 


Available in over 190 Countries and a net worth of 84.57 billion

Cloud computing-

Started in the 50’s. Google and IBM offered cloud storage  2 uses for cloud.Deployment model and the Service Model 

The History of Texting-

Invented in 1971. 65% of communication comes from e-mail.Billions of people use e-mail 

Search Engines-

Web crawler- one of the first search engine.Search engine optimization . Back links instead of key words

Ad words. Digital Amnesia/Google Effect


From 1880. Originated in Japan before becoming an American technology . In 2015 6 billions emojis

Internet and the World Wide Web-

Started in the 60’s for government to share information .1969 was the first internet message.WWW was created in 1989. 54% of the population used the internet in 2001. Used to get in touch with pretty much anybody


Postal service-

Buffalo bill is a carrier for postal service. It used to Take 10 days for mail to be sent. By 1918 decided to do air mail

Operated a lot during the pandemic .Postal services can deliver from medications to Pets.Can be a mail man with a high school degree 


2003 “Face mash” was created . Rebranded as Facebook In 2005. Originally used as communication for colleges


Launched in 2006. Founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Noah z glass and Evan Williams . Emerged from a failed start up called Odeo. 71% of Americans use twitter to read news230 millions viewers use twitter 

Invention of the paper-

First paper was constructed in Pennsylvania .1700s paper was used for printing books,bibles and legal papers

Paper helped with trading .Now used for drawing, mapping and writing down important information 


Newspapers appeared more overtime as the price of paper dropped.Online has overtaken the traditional way of newspapers .They have declined due to internet and technology. Companies like Daily Mail and NYT are only a few of newspapers that are still out

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  According to homecern  "The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is a system of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperl...