Thursday, November 3, 2022

Supreme Court Overview

  I don't remember about the Supreme Court especially learning it in high school, so everything really was new to me. Learning about John Marshall and how he was known for defending and making both the beginning of the judicial powers the principles of our system of government. John Marshal also played a huge role in the Marbury V. Madison where he establish the unanimous opinion about power of federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional.

    The main thing I took of agreement is how many cases are actually handled in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has about 7,000 cases a year to go through, people actually have to go through, although with help justices individually have to make decisions about the cases. As a citizen I wouldn't be able to keep that sort of attention span with that many cases.


  Most surprising thing I learned in the video was about the 19th Amendment. Although the amendment states the phrase "We the people" it was only a small circle of people that the amendment abided by. Woman couldn't vote, people were still held in bondage, Native Americans were not treated as citizens or were treated equal.

It doesn't change my interest about the Supreme Court, usually if it's political I try to strive away from it. One thing I can say about it is that I can see how much is actually put in when it comes to cases and laws. How they are trying to make things equal whether it's trying to fix past laws or make new ones, they have more of my respect.

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