Thursday, November 3, 2022

My opinion on the Value of Freedom "Marketplace of Ideas"

I hold it in neutral ground when it comes to he value of freedoms. I like the idea because it gives people an act to share their truth to the world despite where people come from and whether people like it or not, they have the opportunity to present. The goal of the whole thing is for no voice should be unheard and all opinions and beliefs are voiced. 

My issue isn’t with the value itself but how our society has bent what we call our “truths”. It’s way harder these days to find credible sources about anything and it’s because people will put just about anything out there for attention or just to scramble people’s minds. Also people won’t want to hear other peoples “truths” especially if it doesn’t agree with their own. Take the internet for example, there are a lot of sources out there that aren’t trusted or reliable, like wikipedia, everyone knows you can only use wikipedia to a certain extent and it’s because people can easily alter words in articles no matter what it is. 

Social Media plays both sides when it comes to seeing”truths”. When using social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok. We use these platforms to look and share different opinions and information that we find relevant or informative, which is one of the main points of social media, But the main job for social media companies is to find out ways to keep viewers like us on their app. The way they do that is simple yet genius. They have simple AI’s to track what you say, what you look at, how you reply to specific things, what you like, what you dislike and they make algorithms that only interest you, Our truth doesn’t change and our knowledge doesn’t broaden, instead when you log onto these same social medias, you only find similar truths and opinions that you have which isn’t necessarily bad because you get to see mindsets like yours which can cause friendships, But By doing that we’re drowning outside opinions that might be helpful for us. Basically they tell you what you want to hear only instead of telling you also what you need to hear, and it’s only for their benefit because as long as you're happy with it they get revenue.

Another issue on how this freedom is abused especially in this time period, is hate speech. Nbc News made an article about how a rapper named
“Boosie” saying hateful words to lil nas x” . If you don’t know Lil Nas x he is basically a popular gay artist who likes to troll people on social media. It started with Lil Nas x posting a tweet trolling saying how he and Boosie were getting together for music, Boosie as a ant-gay rapper tweeted back saying ““STOP TROLLING ME F----- LOL!!," the tweet said, in part. "IF YOU #commitsuicide YOU WOULD DO THIS WORLD A HUGE FAVOR NOBODY WANTS U HERE." This alone started a conflict upon social media explaining if this was wrong or not, majority of people didn’t care due to the hate of gay people in this generation and used “Freedom of speech” as an excuse. Thankfully twitter took down the post as it was posed as “Hate speech” but you see that there are many problems like this that don’t get taken down or punished due to people throwing the “Freedom of Speech” excuse. In Conclusion I agree with the idea of the value of marketplace of ideas, but in this time of age our society has used it to manipulate truths for their own benefit.

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