Tuesday, December 6, 2022

EOTO Part 2

 What is Agenda Setting Theory

According to indeed.com “According to the mass communication theory known as "agenda setting," the news media shapes public opinion on the most crucial subjects. According to this theory, news media outlets including newspapers, magazines, radio, and television have a significant influence over the coverage of political, cultural, and social news. These media outlets have the authority to decide which issues or events to highlight and can thus affect how the general public interprets certain news stories.”

“A newspaper can suggest that a story concerning a new public policy is of high relevance if it appears on the top page. This positioning may affect how newspaper readers interpret the news item and shape their opinions on the policy. Since it's on the front page, people are probably paying close attention and giving the story and the topics it addresses a lot of thought. They could be more prone to tell friends and family about this incident.”

According to Communication Theory agenda setting is used today in “In political advertisements, campaigns, business news, public relations, etc., agenda-setting theory is applied. Gatekeeping is the key idea behind the philosophy. The choice of material that is discussed in the media is under the direction and control of gatekeeping.”

According to Communication Theory,  Agenda setting has two subphases: problem identification and
alternative specification. Media people usually use the first level. “Scholars frequently utilize the first level to examine how media is used, its goals, the influences it has on individuals, and the closest association that people will make between their exposure to information from media sources and their own thoughts.”

According to indeed.com The examination of how various subjects are presented in the media is part of the second level of agenda-shaping theory. This level examines the strategies used by various media outlets to grab viewers' attention, deliver certain messages, and choose which stories to share.

According to LSU By establishing the agenda, the media informs the public of the subjects and viewpoints that are most crucial. According to research, there is a significant correlation between voters' perceptions of the relevance and relevance of certain themes and the media's emphasis on various political matters.

According to indeed.com, the advantages of agenda-setting,

Creates awareness:

 By actively debating key societal issues, agenda-setting can be helpful in bringing them to light. The recurrence of specific news stories increases public awareness of the problem and its solutions.

Aids in structuring the conversation

Setting an agenda gives the discussion surrounding a piece of information a clear context. This facilitates a complex discussion highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of all pertinent factors.

Determines the dominant attitude:

 Setting an agenda might be useful in determining the general consensus among the populace. Media outlets and other businesses can benefit from understanding public opinion by operating in a way that is favorable to public opinion and increases profitability.

According to Alvernia, The agenda-setting theory has some drawbacks, one of which is that it is challenging to quantify. The theory's research has mostly been unable to prove that media coverage and popular prominence are causally related. It's also tougher to persuade people that the mass media is dictating the agenda in 2018, given the global dominance of the internet and social media, where practically everyone can discover the news they're seeking rather than being restricted to only depending on one or two sources.

The idea also fails to account for people who have already made up their minds. For instance, someone can think that their elected person was the best choice for the job despite the mass media's plenty of persuasive information to the opposite.

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