Thursday, December 15, 2022

FInal Post

 According to homecern "The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is a system of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. It is a network of information that is accessible via the internet. The Web was created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, and has since become an essential part of the internet, with billions of people using it on a daily basis to access information, communicate with others, and share content. The Web is not the same thing as the internet, which is the global network of interconnected computer networks that the Web runs on."

The internet and the World Wide Web are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two separate things. The internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks, while the World Wide Web is a collection of online resources and documents that are accessible through the internet.
In other words, the internet is the infrastructure that enables the World Wide Web to exist. It is the network of networks that allows computers, servers, and other devices to communicate with each other and exchange information. The World Wide Web, on the other hand, is the collection of web pages, websites, and other online resources that are accessible through the internet.
To put it simply, the internet is the infrastructure that allows the web to exist, while the web is the collection of online resources that people can access through the internet.

Due to the World Wide Web, people may now interact with one another practically anywhere in the world, which has had a significant impact on communication. The amount of knowledge available has greatly increased as a result, and sharing ideas and working together on projects has become simpler. Social media's growth has also made it easier for people to communicate with friends and family members even when they are geographically separated. Overall, the World Wide Web has substantially expanded our ability to communicate with one another.

According to DGaps "While there are many benefits to using the World Wide Web for communication, there are also some possible drawbacks. The fact that it can be challenging to confirm the veracity of information published online is one of the key disadvantages. It can be challenging to distinguish between sources that are trustworthy and those that are not when there is so much information available. In addition, there is a lot of information out there, which makes it simple to get lost in a sea of knowledge. Last but not least, some individuals can discover that they are spending too much time online, which can result in social isolation and separation from reality."

The World Wide Web is significant because it has completely changed how individuals access and distribute information. Before the Internet, individuals had to rely on physical sources of knowledge like books, newspapers, and other publications, which were frequently inconvenient to access and not very portable. People may now access a wealth of knowledge from practically anywhere in the world and communicate with others about their own thoughts and experiences thanks to the Internet. The way we learn and educate ourselves, the way we do business, and the way we interact with others have all been heavily affected by this.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Each One Teach One Reacts Part 2

Information by Lacy Waggoner
As long as there have been commercials and television, influencers have existed. The only difference today is that instead of having someone's face on a Mcdonald's poster that is stuck to their windows, we have online influencers that use social media sites like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook to influence.

Influencers are well-known individuals who brand work with to entice their customers to purchase their goods. In exchange, the influencer will be compensated for posting about their goods.

At links to them so that the influencer can profit from the sale. Influencers can also earn money from their social media posts. For example, Charli D'Amelio reportedly earns $50,000 for each unsponsored TikTok post and $100,000 for each sponsored post.

"The pros of having this job, Work from home, Getting paid for doing a hobby. The cons of having this job

Probably not a career, Your life is put on blast, May not have a steady income

The pros of online influencing, Created more jobs. More young people got an income, which Helped businesses grow The cons of online influencin• are Unrealistic lifestyles portrayed, Promoting "bad" brands and possible scams, and deceptive advertising.

Different segments are impacted by online influence differently. Online influencers often fit societal norms and are young, pretty, female, straight, and of higher socioeconomic positions. 77% of influencers are women, compared to 23% of influencers who are men. Even though there are undoubtedly many well-known influencers who don't fit this description, the vast majority of them do.

Because online influencing was developed in my generation and because we are more susceptible to it than any other generation, it has a greater impact on us. My generation is more likely to use the items that influencers advertise and to follow them, which helps to advertise the platforms and the companies.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

EOTO Part 2

 What is Agenda Setting Theory

According to “According to the mass communication theory known as "agenda setting," the news media shapes public opinion on the most crucial subjects. According to this theory, news media outlets including newspapers, magazines, radio, and television have a significant influence over the coverage of political, cultural, and social news. These media outlets have the authority to decide which issues or events to highlight and can thus affect how the general public interprets certain news stories.”

“A newspaper can suggest that a story concerning a new public policy is of high relevance if it appears on the top page. This positioning may affect how newspaper readers interpret the news item and shape their opinions on the policy. Since it's on the front page, people are probably paying close attention and giving the story and the topics it addresses a lot of thought. They could be more prone to tell friends and family about this incident.”

According to Communication Theory agenda setting is used today in “In political advertisements, campaigns, business news, public relations, etc., agenda-setting theory is applied. Gatekeeping is the key idea behind the philosophy. The choice of material that is discussed in the media is under the direction and control of gatekeeping.”

According to Communication Theory,  Agenda setting has two subphases: problem identification and
alternative specification. Media people usually use the first level. “Scholars frequently utilize the first level to examine how media is used, its goals, the influences it has on individuals, and the closest association that people will make between their exposure to information from media sources and their own thoughts.”

According to The examination of how various subjects are presented in the media is part of the second level of agenda-shaping theory. This level examines the strategies used by various media outlets to grab viewers' attention, deliver certain messages, and choose which stories to share.

According to LSU By establishing the agenda, the media informs the public of the subjects and viewpoints that are most crucial. According to research, there is a significant correlation between voters' perceptions of the relevance and relevance of certain themes and the media's emphasis on various political matters.

According to, the advantages of agenda-setting,

Creates awareness:

 By actively debating key societal issues, agenda-setting can be helpful in bringing them to light. The recurrence of specific news stories increases public awareness of the problem and its solutions.

Aids in structuring the conversation

Setting an agenda gives the discussion surrounding a piece of information a clear context. This facilitates a complex discussion highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of all pertinent factors.

Determines the dominant attitude:

 Setting an agenda might be useful in determining the general consensus among the populace. Media outlets and other businesses can benefit from understanding public opinion by operating in a way that is favorable to public opinion and increases profitability.

According to Alvernia, The agenda-setting theory has some drawbacks, one of which is that it is challenging to quantify. The theory's research has mostly been unable to prove that media coverage and popular prominence are causally related. It's also tougher to persuade people that the mass media is dictating the agenda in 2018, given the global dominance of the internet and social media, where practically everyone can discover the news they're seeking rather than being restricted to only depending on one or two sources.

The idea also fails to account for people who have already made up their minds. For instance, someone can think that their elected person was the best choice for the job despite the mass media's plenty of persuasive information to the opposite.

The Age of AI

 According to an article, AI has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, 

Reduced Human Error, for One

The ability of artificial intelligence to drastically minimize errors and improve accuracy and precision is one of its main benefits. Every decision made by AI is based on data that has already been obtained and a certain set of algorithms. When properly coded, these errors can be eliminated completely.

 Zero Risk

Another significant benefit of AI is that it allows people to avoid many dangers by outsourcing certain tasks to AI robots. Machines with metal bodies are resistant by nature and can survive hostile environments, making them ideal for defusing bombs, traveling to space, and exploring the deepest reaches of oceans. Additionally, they can deliver accurate work with more responsibility and durability.


Available constantly

Numerous studies have shown that people only work productively for three to four hours each day on average. To balance their personal and professional lives, people also require breaks and vacation time. However, AI can operate continuously without rest. They can multitask with accuracy and think far more quickly than humans can. With the aid of AI algorithms, they can even do difficult repetitive tasks without difficulty.

 Digital Support

Digital assistants are used by some of the most technologically advanced businesses to interact with customers, negating the need for human staff. Digital assistants are widely used by websites to deliver content that users have requested. We can have a conversation with them about our search.'


A robot is one example of artificial intelligence in use, and it is replacing jobs and raising unemployment (in a few cases). As a result, some assert that there is always a possibility of job loss as a result of chatbots and robots taking the place of people. For instance, in certain more technologically advanced countries like Japan, robots are regularly used to replace human resources in industrial enterprises. This isn't always the case, though, since it also gives people more opportunities to work and sometimes even replaces them to boost productivity.

High prices

It is an impressive achievement when a machine can mimic human intelligence. It can be very expensive and takes a lot of time and resources. AI is quite expensive because it requires the newest hardware and software to function in order to stay current and meet requirements.

The Privacy: Online and Off

 Learning about how much privacy we don't have, affects me in a lot of ways. We live in a world where everything is shared through the internet. Knowing these things about privacy makes me want to practice limiting myself to posting whatever I want on social media. I have friends who have "private stories" where they think they post what they want because they let only a few people on it. In reality, anyone with the right knowledge and search through and find things, like companies and jobs; and just because it's deleted doesn't mean it can't be found again.   

    Looking at research from ForbesGovernments may help the public become more informed, safeguard their own infrastructure, and ensure that businesses disclose any possible privacy or security issues and follow their stated rules. But even if the Government educates us, only we can help with what we keep private and what we don't by not posting it in the first place. Most things might be a hazard or a problem when posted. shouldn't be posted at all, simply
keeping things to ourselves or at least off social media can decrease what get's found and what doesn't. at the end of the day, it all depends on us.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Diffusion Theory

 The first telegraph was made in 1837 by Samuel Morse, later in 1838 "Morse Code" was invented in 1838 with the help of his partner Alfred Vail. Making this changed the way people communicated, it was faster than all forms of communication at that time and helped companies make more revenue. 

Early adopters, According to Being the first long-distance device-only companies like the railroads, military forces like the navy and marines used the telegraph to communicate with each other. It was easily available for companies, as long as they got it from Samuel morse and later from a man named Marconi. The problem for people was that you had to learn morse code, and have a specific license and system to use the telegraph. According to Brittanica "Although railroad traffic control was one of the earliest applications of the telegraph, it immediately became a vital tool for the transmission of news around the country. In 1848 the Associated Press was formed in the United States to pool telegraph expenses, and in 1849 Paul Julius Reuters in Paris initiated telegraphic press service (using pigeons to cover sections where lines were incomplete). By 1851 more than 50 telegraph companies were in operation in the United States. 

Only late adopters were civilians themselves. People didn't get telegraphs until it was developed where you can use English to talk to people other than morse code. by then everything else developed as well. soon radios and telephones were invented and from there, more forms of communication were made.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

We can hear you

Why haven't heard about a website that talks about anti-war, maybe because in this state of the world, the U.S. is doing everything sneaky and illegal to get proper resources for our economy. Not to mention instead of being impartial in conflicts between allies we choose one side and instigate and join the argument. In conclusion, I believe the U.S. doesn't want the big and important voices to talk about the problems and what's wrong with the U.S. 

The question is why? Why do we hide different aspects of point of view when we believe it contradicts us or even proves us wrong. Take this, for example, this isn't just a website, they have videos and actually have marketed and produced news pieces about certain situations, and yet, even these big names haven't really been heard. Here's my best understanding of why 

It also comes down to the algorithm that's been set with you ever since you touched social media. One of the main purposes of social media is to hunt for and exchange various ideas and information that we find useful or informative. Social Media plays both sides when it comes to seeing” truths”. When using social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok. However, social media businesses' main task is to figure out how to keep users like us on their platforms. It's so clever yet simple how they do it. Then use basic AI to monitor your speech, actions, and reactions to certain stimuli as well as your likes and dislikes, and they create algorithms that are exclusive of interest to you. When you log onto these same social media platforms, you only find similar truths and opinions that you have, which isn't necessarily bad because you get to learn more, but it does mean that our truth doesn't change and our knowledge doesn't expand. They have the power to tell you what's important to you and what's not, which I believe plays apart on we haven't seen this production pieces or articles on this important topic.

FInal Post

  According to homecern  "The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is a system of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperl...